Работата с пчелен восък е традиционна дейност,
както във валдорфските детски градини, така и във валдорфските училища.
Миризмата на восък и усещането за мекота, създават
приятна атмосфера за изследване.
Наред с всички останали художествени
дисциплини, моделирането с пчелен восък е от особено значение за развитието на детето. Чрез ритмичният процес на месене, децата тренират своите фини двигателни
умения. Това не само насърчава
сръчността, но също така има много положително влияние - като всички ритмични движения - за развитието на речта и мисълта.
моделирането на восъка, децата
имат сензорни преживявания и тяхното
въображение и чувство за форма се
Трудността, която често се чувства при
моделирането с пчелен восък, се дължи на това, че той първоначално е много
твърд... и
докато се работи с него, трябва първо да се затопли, докато стане мек и
Полезното на това е, че подкрепя нашия опит,
да научим децата в този забързан свят...., че нашите творения, нашето
изкуство и нашето време трябва да бъдат изразходвани грижливо и бавно - с
търпение и любов. Затоплянето
на пчелният восък е точно толкова част от процеса, както моделирането с него ...
Практическо занимание: работа с восък - 27.10.2012
Материалите: Пчелен восък, пчелни пити,
орехови черупки, жълъди
Modeling with beeswax. Autumn candles.
Working with beeswax is a traditional activity in Waldorf
kindergartens and Waldorf schools.
The smell of wax and a feeling of softness, creating a pleasant atmosphere for study.
Along with all other artistic disciplines, modeling with beeswax is essential to a child's development. Through rhythmic kneading, children practicing their fine motor skills. This not only encourages dexterity, but also has a very positive impact like all rhythmic movements the development of speech and thought.
Modeling wax, children have sensory experiences and their imagination and sense of form developed.
The difficulty that is often felt in modeling with beeswax, due to the fact that it was initially very hard ... and while it works, it must first be heated until it becomes soft and pliable.
Usefulness of this is that it supports our experience to teach children in this hectic world .... that our creations, our art and our time should be spent carefully and slowly - with patience and love. Warming of beeswax is just as much a part of the process, modeling it ...
Practical activity: working with wax - 10/27/2012 years
Materials: Beeswax, honeycomb, shells, acorns
The smell of wax and a feeling of softness, creating a pleasant atmosphere for study.
Along with all other artistic disciplines, modeling with beeswax is essential to a child's development. Through rhythmic kneading, children practicing their fine motor skills. This not only encourages dexterity, but also has a very positive impact like all rhythmic movements the development of speech and thought.
Modeling wax, children have sensory experiences and their imagination and sense of form developed.
The difficulty that is often felt in modeling with beeswax, due to the fact that it was initially very hard ... and while it works, it must first be heated until it becomes soft and pliable.
Usefulness of this is that it supports our experience to teach children in this hectic world .... that our creations, our art and our time should be spent carefully and slowly - with patience and love. Warming of beeswax is just as much a part of the process, modeling it ...
Practical activity: working with wax - 10/27/2012 years
Materials: Beeswax, honeycomb, shells, acorns