„Мартенички да напредем-здраве да донесем”
„Сдружение за валдорфска детска градина и
училище-Стара Загора”, гостува на детски център „Мерлин” в универсалния магазин
в гр. Стара Загора.
Всички, които ни посетиха, успяха да съчетаят
българската традиция за изработка на мартеници, с занаяти, характерни за
валдорфската педагогика.
Workshop martenitsa
(Martenitsa (twined tasselled red and white thread, symbol of spring and health)
"Association for Waldorf kindergarten and school-Stara Zagora", visited the Children's Center "Merlin" in a shopping mall in the downtown of Stara Zagora.
Everyone who visited us were able to combine the Bulgarian tradition of making martenitsa, with crafts, typical of Waldorf pedagogy.
Workshop martenitsa
(Martenitsa (twined tasselled red and white thread, symbol of spring and health)
"Association for Waldorf kindergarten and school-Stara Zagora", visited the Children's Center "Merlin" in a shopping mall in the downtown of Stara Zagora.
Everyone who visited us were able to combine the Bulgarian tradition of making martenitsa, with crafts, typical of Waldorf pedagogy.